
A Quinta Vigia, localizada na cidade do Funchal, é a residência oficial do Presidente do Governo da Região Autónoma da Madeira. O nome original desta quinta era Quinta das Angústias, em virtude de possuir uma capela datada do século XVII que invocava Nossa Senhora das Angústias. A quinta foi renomeada "Quinta Vigia" em 1982, depois de já ter desaparecido a Quinta Vigia original, situada nas proximidades e em cujo terreno se construiu o actual Hotel Pestana Casino Park.
Por esta quinta passaram várias personalidades ilustres, entre as quais se encontram Maximiliano, duque de Leuchtenberg (genro do czar Nicolau I), que ali se instalou em 1849 numa tentativa de tratar a sua doença. A 28 de Agosto de 1852 a imperatriz Amélia, viúva de Pedro IV, tomou residência na quinta procurando a cura da tuberculose da sua filha, a princesa Maria Amélia (na época era atribuídas propriedades curativas aos ares da Madeira). O esforço de D. Amélia revelou-se em vão, pois a jovem princesa viria a falecer em Fevereiro de 1853.
Pouco tempo depois o Conde Alexandre Carlos Lambert, antigo ajudante de campo da imperatriz da Rússia, adquiriu a quinta, tendo alterado o nome desta para Quinta Lambert. A quinta regressou ao seu antigo nome de Quinta das Angústias quando foi adquirida pelo madeirense João Paulo de Freitas em 1903.
Em 1979, quando o regime autonómico já tinha sido implantado na Madeira, a quinta foi comprada pelo Governo Regional. Durante algum tempo as suas instalações foram usadas para abrigar o Conservatório de Música da Madeira, até que este foi transferido para o antigo Hotel Nova Avenida em 1981. Depois de obras nos seus jardins, na capela e no palácio, a quinta foi inaugurada como residência oficial do Presidente do Governo a 2 de Maio de 1984. Os jardins da quinta encontram-se abertos ao público, sendo principalmente visitados por turistas. A quinta proporciona igualmente uma bela perspectiva sobre a baía do Funchal.
Quinta Vigia, located in Funchal, is the official residence of the President of the Autonomous Region of Madeira. The original name of this estate was Quinta das Angústias, by virtue of having a chapel dating from the seventeenth century which invoked Our Lady of Anguish. The estate was renamed "Quinta Vigia" in 1982, already after the disappearance of the original building, located in the vicinity and in whose land they built the current Pestana Casino Park.
Several distinguished personalities spent some time in this estate, among which are Maximilian, Duke of Leuchtenberg (Tsar Nicholas I's son in law), which were installed in 1849 in an attempt to treat their disease. In August 28, 1852 Empress Amelia, Pedro IV's widow, took up residence on the estate looking for the cure of tuberculosis of his daughter, Princess Maria Amelia (at the time healing properties were attributed to the air in Madeira). The effort of Amelia proved to be in vain, for the young princess would die in February 1853.
Shortly after the Count Alexandre Charles Lambert, a former aide of the empress of Russia, acquired the farm, and changed the name to Quinta Lambert. The estate returned to its former name, Quinta das Angústias, when it was acquired by the madeiran João Paulo de Freitas in 1903.
In 1979, when the autonomic regime had already been introduced in Madeira, the estate was bought by the Regional Government. For a while its facilities were used to house the Music Conservatory of Madeira, until it was moved to the former New Avenue Hotel in 1981. After works in their gardens, in the chapel and in the palace, the estate was opened as an official residence of the President of the Government on 2 May 1984. The estate's gardens are open to the public and are mainly visited by tourists. The estate also offers a beautiful view over the bay of Funchal.
Several distinguished personalities spent some time in this estate, among which are Maximilian, Duke of Leuchtenberg (Tsar Nicholas I's son in law), which were installed in 1849 in an attempt to treat their disease. In August 28, 1852 Empress Amelia, Pedro IV's widow, took up residence on the estate looking for the cure of tuberculosis of his daughter, Princess Maria Amelia (at the time healing properties were attributed to the air in Madeira). The effort of Amelia proved to be in vain, for the young princess would die in February 1853.
Shortly after the Count Alexandre Charles Lambert, a former aide of the empress of Russia, acquired the farm, and changed the name to Quinta Lambert. The estate returned to its former name, Quinta das Angústias, when it was acquired by the madeiran João Paulo de Freitas in 1903.
In 1979, when the autonomic regime had already been introduced in Madeira, the estate was bought by the Regional Government. For a while its facilities were used to house the Music Conservatory of Madeira, until it was moved to the former New Avenue Hotel in 1981. After works in their gardens, in the chapel and in the palace, the estate was opened as an official residence of the President of the Government on 2 May 1984. The estate's gardens are open to the public and are mainly visited by tourists. The estate also offers a beautiful view over the bay of Funchal.
As stages não têm uma ordem definida. Procura a informação pedida em ambos os pontos e descobre as coordenadas finais.
Não é necessário entrar na quinta, no entanto aconselha-se a conhecer os seus belos jardins.
A entrada na Quinta, encontra-se acessível de Segunda-Feira a Sexta-Feira das 9:00 às 12:00 e das 14:00 às 17:30
You don't need to enter the manor estate's premises, however I recommend a visit to its beautiful gardens.
The entrance is available from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 17:30
N 32° 38.724 / W 16° 54.942
Olha para o chão. Qual é o ano no "PGR"?
Look at the ground. What's the year in "PGR"?
N 32º 38.690 / W 16º 55.040
Qual é o 1º ano aos pés da Princesa Sissi.
What's the 1st year at the feet of princess Sissi.
Deverá fazer o log durante o dia, o mais tardar até as 22h.
N 32° 38,(stage quinta vigia - 1283)
O 16° 54,(stage princess sissi - 945)
You should do your log during the day, no later than 22h.
O 16° 54,(stage princess sissi - 945)
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