É um percurso com um desnível na ordem dos 1500m que termina no Paúl da Serra (Cache Caminho dos Pessegueiros GC5QKBC) .
A cache está situada praticamente no início do percurso a cerca de 180m de altitude.
No local poderá observar um dos edifícios abandonados do percurso e uma interessante paisagem para a costa.
O percurso é muito pouco utilizado pelo que poderá estar em mau estado e com muita vegetação.
Deverá fazer esta cache apenas com boas condições climatéricas.

This trail starts in the Old Regional Road 101, in one of the banks of Ribeira do Inferno.
It is a path with a gradient of around 1500m ending in Paúl da Serra (Cache: Caminho dos Pessegueiros GC5QKBC).
The cache is located almost at the beginning of the route at about 180m altitude.
At the site you can see one of the abandoned buildings of the route and an interesting landscape to the coast.
The route is very little used so it may be in poor condition and with lots of vegetation.
You should do this cache only with good weather conditions.
It is a path with a gradient of around 1500m ending in Paúl da Serra (Cache: Caminho dos Pessegueiros GC5QKBC).
The cache is located almost at the beginning of the route at about 180m altitude.
At the site you can see one of the abandoned buildings of the route and an interesting landscape to the coast.
The route is very little used so it may be in poor condition and with lots of vegetation.
You should do this cache only with good weather conditions.
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