Ribeiro Bonito

A nice 10km walk where you will be guided by four caches

Grutas do Paúl

A great set of amazing caves carved into the stone.

Boca das Voltas

Boca das Voltas is a secret viewpoint offering a great scenary. It is ideal to those who enjoy a nice walk in the middle of the forest.

Cais de São Jorge

An historic pier that was once the gate to the north of the island. A beautiful panoramic view at the tip of the pier.

Garganta Funda

A huge 140m waterfall hidden from the common muggle. A test to your corage and a great view at the end.

Arte de Portas Abertas

A simple, old street that was transformed into an art galery. This multicache makes you look closely at each door. Discover its secrets!

O Pescador do Arieiro

This is a funny multi with only two stages that can be done in a short period of time. The cache is located near Pico Arieiro and offers stunning views.

The Cliffs

This multi cache will take you to walk along cliffs that reach from 250m to 500m altitude. The trail will present you with beautiful landscapes and interesting geological phenomena.

segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2012

Levadas Lombada - Video

A multi cache that guides you in a round trip starting at Levada do Moinho and ending in Levada Nova.

domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

Poço do Bezerro - Video

This cache can be combined with Canyoning or not.
It is hidden in the last waterfall of the canyon so you can go there also on foot using the beautiful levadas.

sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2012

Rota do Mourão


Esta multi cache leva-nos até a Eira do Mourão. Situado na Ribeira Brava, a Eira do Mourão é um daqueles sítios encravados nas serras da Madeira, que devido ao difícil acesso permaneceram escondidos durante anos a fio, onde as pessoas viviam da agricultura, praticamente isoladas do exterior.

This multi-cache takes us to Eira do Mourão. Located in Ribeira Brava, Eira do Mourao is one of those sites embedded in the mountains of Madeira, which due to difficult access remained hidden for years, where people lived on agriculture, virtually isolated from the outside.

Agora com os novos acessos é muito mais fácil chegar a estas áreas. Saindo na Via rápida em Campanário e seguindo pelo túnel de acesso a São Paulo, rapidamente chegamos até ao início da nossa aventura.

Now with the new access is much easier to reach these areas. Leaving the freeway in Campanário and following the access tunnel to São Paulo, we quickly arrive to the beginning of our adventure.


Estás perante um monumento que poderá parecer modesto, mas terás de te lembrar que tudo o que vês foi construído por apenas um homem, sem qualquer ajuda, numa obra que começou em 2004/2005.

You are facing a monument that may seem modest, but you have to remind yourself that everything you see was built by one man, without any help, a work that began in2004/2005.

Manuel Andrade esteve emigrado 30 anos na Venezuela. Esta capela é o resultado de uma promessa, fruto de uma doença que colocou o Sr Manuel às portas da morte. Como o próprio diz: "O dinheiro não é tudo, e não há dinheiro que pague a saúde e toda a linda paisagem que esta capela oferece."

Manuel Andrade was an emigrant for 30 years in Venezuela. This chapel is the outcome of a promise. A promise made due to a disease that put Mr Manuel closer to death. As he himself says: "Money is not everything, and there is no money that pays health and all the beautiful landscape that this chapel offers."

A capela não é reconhecida pela igreja local, tendo vindo um padre da Venezuela para benzer o local.Por vezes realizam-se missas lá.
A câmara também não apoio nem autorizou a construção. Ainda assim o Sr Manuel continua todos os dias a se deslocar até a capela para continuar a sua obra, num espaço que diz ser de todos e para todos.

The chapel is not recognized by the local church, having come a priest from Venezuela to bless the chapel. Sometimes masses take place there.
The camera did not support or authorized construction. Yet Mr Manuel continues to go there every day to continue his work in a space that he says it is of all and for all.

Para além da capela, o espaço conta com parque de estacionamento, espaço para convívios e jardim.
No dia de Natal é habitual a população local se reunir lá com muita música, comida, bebida e os muito disputados jogos de cartas.

In addition to the chapel, the space has parking, space for picnics and a garden.
On Christmas Day it is usual for the local population to gather there with music, food, drink and card games.

Se encontrarem o Sr. Manuel este terá todo o prazer em conversar convosco e em vos mostrar a sua obra. Dentro da capela poderão assinar a vossa visita e deixar uma contribuição.

If you find that Mr. Manuel will be happy to talk with you and show you his work. Inside the chapel can sign your visit and make a contribution.

Neste stage terás de responder à questão que te dará as coordenadas para a etapa seguinte:
At this stage you have to answer the question that will give you the coordinates to the next stage:

Quantas letras existem debaixo da santa?
How many letters are there under the holy lady.

-08: N32º 41.955  / W17º 02.180
-11: N32º 41.887  / W17º 02.126
-14: N32º 42.018  / W17º 02.130


Estaciona o carro nas coordenadas indicadas. Agora inicia a tua caminhada pela Levada do Norte onde irás encontrar duas micros e a cache final. Dentro delas terás as coordenadas para a etapa seguinte.

Park the car at the given coordinates. Now start your walk along the Levada do Norte where you will find two micros and the final cache. Inside the caches you will find the coordinates for the next stage.

Não te esqueças de levar a lanterna e calçado apropriado!
O sinal poderá não ser o melhor em algumas zonas. Segue as pistas e spoilers. Não é necessário sair do percurso da levada para encontrar as caches.

Do not forget to bring a flashlight and appropriate footwear!
The GPS sign may not be the best in some areas. Follow the Hints and spoilers. It is not necessary to leave the levada trail to find the caches.

Antes da final terás de passar por um túnel de aproximadamente 500m.Poderás continuar a levada até a central hidroeléctrica da Serra d'Àgua, no entanto o terreno é de nível 5 e muito pouco aconselhado a pessoas com vertigens.

Before the final stage you have to go through a tunnel of about 500m. You can continue the walk in the levada to the hydroelectric power station of Serra d'Água, however the terrain is level 5 and it is not advised for people with vertigo.

Distância / Distance: 8km (Total)
Tempo / Time: 3h30m

quinta-feira, 19 de abril de 2012

Fio - Video

A short and different multicache with a great view to the north coast.

Kingdom of the Ents - Video

A short trail that will guide you through a magic forest with some of the oldest trees in the island.

Rota do Mourão - Video

A multi cache that is a mix of religion, tradition, defying roads and a significant levada walk with stunning landscape and tunnels.

terça-feira, 17 de abril de 2012

Kingdom of the Ents


Kingdom of the Ents


Esta multicache (total: 2km) irá te conduzir ao Reino dos Ents e à sua Pedra Mágica.
Os Ents são uma raça de árvores humanóides da Terra-média. São árvores falantes que povoam histórias folclóricas de todo o mundo e que também se encontram aqui na ilha.

This multicache (total: 2km) will lead you to the Kingdom of the Ents and its Magic Stone.
The Ents are a race of humanoid trees from Middle-earth. They are talking trees that populate folk stories from all over the world and they are also here on the island.

Os Ents foram criados como Pastores das Árvores, para proteger as florestas dos Orcs, Anões, Geocachers mal comportados e outros perigos.
Estas criaturas arvorescas, são de certa forma parecidos com as árvores das quais eram pastores. Variavam nas feições, em altura e tamanho, cor e número de dedos das mãos e dos pés. Estavam sujeitos às mesmas fraquezas mortais, como fogo ou algo maior que eles que os pudesse atingir. Um Ent assemelha-se em partes com a espécie de árvore que guarda por isso irá ser difícil detectares um, mas não duvides da sua existência.

The Ents were created as Shepherds of the Trees, to protect forests from Orcs, Dwarves, misbehaving Geocachers and other hazards.
These creatures, are somewhat like the trees of which they were shepherds. They vary in height and size, color and number of fingers and toes. They were subject to the same mortal frailties, such as fire or something bigger than themselves that could hit them. An Ent is similar in part to the species of tree that it guards, so it will be difficult for you to detect one, but do not doubt of its existence.


Para descobrir a entrada secreta para o Reino dos Ents deverás te dirigir até o Entoráculo, um Ent muito sábio que guarda a entrada para o Reino dos seus semelhantes. Ele encontra-se num lugar de destaque que permite vigiar ao longe todos aqueles que se aproximam. Ele poderá dificultar a vossa tarefa criando fortes neblinas e ventos.
Explica as tuas boas intenções e ele te indicar o teu próximo passo.

To find the secret entrance to the Kingdom of the Ents you should consult Entoráculo, a very wise Ent that guards the entrance to the Kingdom of its brothers. He is in a prominent place that allows him to watch from afar all those approaching. It may hinder your task creating strong winds and fog.
Explain your good intentions and he will indicate your next step.


Estás já no Reino dos Ents. Tem muito cuidado para não perturbar as àrvores e o meio que as rodeia. Neste stage encontrarás um aliado que te indicará a localização da pedra mágica.

You are already in the Kingdom of the Ents. Be very careful not to disturb the trees and the environment that surrounds them. At this stage you will find an ally that will indicate the location of the magic stone.


No meio dos Ents encontrarás o que procuras: a pedra mágica. Esta pedra deverá ser tratada com cuidado e não deverá ser retirada do seu habitat pois é ela a fonte de energia deste lugar mágico.

In the middle of the Ents you will find what you are looking for: a magic stone. This stone should be handled with care and should not be removed from its habitat because it is the source of energy of this magical place.

segunda-feira, 16 de abril de 2012



Esta é uma multicache muito rápida com duas etapas situada no Fio. (3,5km)
This is a multicache located in Fio with only two fast stages. (3,5km)

Na zona conhecida como sítio do Fio, poderá apreciar o trabalho engenhoso de instalação de cabos para transporte de lenha e matos recolhidos na zona do Fanal, para a act¡vidade agro-pecuária dos habitantes do Chão da Ribeira e Seixal. Desde o Fio poderás ter uma paisagem muito bonita não só para o vale do Chão da Ribeira, onde se destacam os tradicionais poios, geometricamente talhados no sopé das altivas montanhas que se erguem ao redor, como também poderás ver a costa norte.

In the area known as Fio (wire), you can appreciate the ingenious work of installation of cables for the transportion of wood and bushes in the area of Fanal collected for the agricultural and livestock activities of the inhabitants of the Chão da Ribeira and Seixal. From Fio you can have a beautiful landscape not only to the Chão da Ribeira valley, where the highlight is the traditional poios (small farming fields) geometrically carved at the foot of soaring mountains that rise all around the valley, but you can also see the north coast.

Se quiseres descer até ao Chão da Ribeira e Seixal poderás utilizar a descida aqui:
If you want to go down to Chão Ribeira and Seixal you can use the descent here:

32º 48.739 / 17º 07.620

Encontra a stage 1 e lá encontrarás as indicações de que precisas para encontrar a cache final.
Find the first stage and there you will find the information that you need to find the final cache.

Geocacher Stages of Evolution

This article was written by Cumbyrocks in 27/09/2010.

It is an humorous account of the stages of evolution of a Geocacher. 

What is your stage?

One of the joys of paperless caching and premium membership to Geocaching.com is being able to set up notifications when someone logs a find in your area. On some days this means my Blackberry is beeping every few minutes. On other days it stays dead quiet. One of the interesting observations I’ve been able to make monitoring these logs is seeing which caches geocachers of different experience levels are finding. Watching these cachers over time has led me to a new Theory of Geocacher Evolution.
image courtesy of Geocoinshop.de
Disclaimer – This theory is my own rambling thoughts about geocacher evolution based on my own eclectic observations of geocacher behaviour. As with any good theory it is likely that you are an exception in some way to anything expressed below.

Stage One – The Newbie Monkey

The Newbie Monkey (roughly 0 – 50 finds) tends to be finding those easy caches that you probably found when you started geocaching (unless you started caching when caching started!) and should not be confused with the travelling cacher who is just passing through and does not have time to do caches of their experience level. The caches are most typically urban traditionals and the Newbie Monkey logs tend to show they are overjoyed at the experience.

Stage Two -The Neolithic Geocacher

Like the Neolithic period this is era where the geocacher is starting to use more tools and really make things happen for them. As the easy urban traditionals are starting to get a bit thin on the ground they start trying their hand at puzzles and some of the medium level multis. At this stage they also seem to start making a few geocaching contacts and their logs start showing signs they are getting help solving some of their geocaching problems. You’ll find the Neolithic Geocacher starting to stretch out to the more elusive bush caches and getting a taste of what some would call the true traditional geocache. They may also be branching out by placing their first caches and it is likely they will place a number of easy urban traditionals during this time. Opinions also start being displayed in logs, albeit still very carefully. Roughly 50 – 200 finds at this stage.

Stage Three – The Geo-Sapien

Now with over 200 finds the Geo-Sapien has exhausted most of the caches in the vicinity and now seeks those further afield. They have discovered the joy of puzzles and multis and attempt to solve and find at any opportunity. There may be the beginnings of a preference for bush caches and they will certainly be doing more and more of these.  Some will start displaying a preference for cache size and this may be displayed by the size of the caches they put out.
They will be starting to find their own geocacher style and is likely to be one of the following:
  • The Outdoors Cacher (someone who displays a distinct preference for bush caches and/or an environmental aspect to their geocaching. Logs may tend to talk about how much CITO they did)
  • The FTF Hunter (tends to be someone who will race to any urban cache the second it is listed)
  • The Numbers Cacher (note the find number in each of their logs, has a full set of statistics on their profile page, celebrates milestone finds)
  • The Travelling Cacher (someone who regularly takes geocaching road trips targeting multiple easy traditionals along the way. May be a Numbers cacher who has run out of caches in their local area)
  • The Must-Not-Be-Too-Far-To-Walk Cacher (a prolific cacher who is likely to be physically capable but who dislikes having to put too much effort into finding a cache so will tend to avoid anything that has more than a 30 minute walk)

Stage Four – The Confirmed Cacher

250+ finds tends to put someone in the Confirmed Cacher catergory. This cacher is now fully committed to caching and is likely to be quite involved in the caching community. They will have established their prefered geocaching equipment, have numerous geocoins and trackables, have a special caching bag, own a safety vest, own more than one GPSr, own a geocaching t-shirt, and keep geocaching gear in the car ready to go. At this point it is safe to say they will be a commited geocacher for quite a length of time.

Stage Five – The Geo-Elder

At least 700+ finds. The wise old elders of the hobby who have been around for a while. The number men have streaked ahead in numbers whilst the others plod along happily enjoying nature or their urban environments. The elders are happy to share their wisdom and knowledge when you seek it. They have well-formed and considered opinions on all things geocaching. They may hold the title of reviewer or a position in a geocaching organisation. Their name is normally towards the beginning of most cache logs, particularly the old caches. They tell lots of stories that begin “I remember when had a hide called here”. There is likely to be little they haven’t seen or experienced in geocaching and they will solve puzzles with magical ease. They have a sixth sense about finding caches and can spot the most difficult hides.

quinta-feira, 12 de abril de 2012

Alegria - Video

This video shows you the cache Alegria (GC3EFGT).
The Chapel of Esperança (Hope) was a little chapel built in the late sixteenth century.
It is located in the area of Alegria in São Roque - Funchal, and most of Madeirans never even heard of it. 
Today only remains the ruins of the chapel and a small hermitage which supported the image of Our Lady of Hope. 
The site is very good for 4x4 drivers, picnics or just for a stroll in the middle of the woods. 

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