This is a funny multi with only two stages that can be done in a short period of time.
The cache is located near Pico Arieiro and offers stunning views.
This multi cache will take you to walk along cliffs that reach from 250m to 500m altitude. The trail will present you with beautiful landscapes and interesting geological phenomena.
O geocacher alemão vanWeyden esteve recentemente na Madeira onde aproveitou para fazer geocaching e para escrever um artigo para a Geocaching Magazin. Tive a oportunidade de contribuir com uma pequena entrevista. O artigo fez sucesso e deu origem a um segundo artigo sobre a ilha.
Curiosamente já alguns turistas fizeram referência a estes artigos nos seus logs:
Logged by:OmaSusLog Type:Found it Date:11/12/2017 Location:Arquipélago da Madeira, Portugal Type:Multi-cache
Log: Am Start fanden wir nur das, was auch in einem Log von 3.11. beschrieben steht. Schade, also zurück zum CM. Aber dann hatten wir wirkliches Glück: An unserem letzten Cache in dieser Ecke trafen wir andere Cacher, und bei einem Plausch über unser wunderbares Hobby kamen wir auf diesen Cache zu sprechen. Die beiden waren so nett, uns die Koordinaten von St. 2 zu geben, und schon zog es mich zurück zum Kingdom of the Ens. So konnten wir diesen Multi, auf dem ich im Geocaching-Magazin aufmerksam geworden bin, doch noch zuende bringen.
Logged by:Neon KnightLog Type:Found it Date:07/07/2017 Location:Arquipélago da Madeira, Portugal Type:Traditional Cache Log: After we had finished the Multi Levadas da Lombada we drove to the west - heading to visit the lighthouse of Ponta do Pargo. On our way we came along this cache, where we had lots of fun and really enjoyed it. This cache is mentioned in the German "Geocaching-Magazin" as one of the "must-do-caches" on Madeira ... and indeed ... it is a "must-do-cache" [:D] Tftc Hilli & NK FAV
Esta cache irá te convidar a conhecer parte do curso de água da Ribeira do Jardim junto à Levada do Norte.
A dificuldade do acesso irá depender do caudal da ribeira.
Junto à cache poderás ver a Cascata da Aguagem (48m).
Durante os meses da primavera poderás também ter a oportunidade de apreciar as cerejeiras em flor.
Existem várias formas de chegar até este local. Na listing são dadas três coordenadas com diferentes sítios onde começar este percurso.
This cache will invite you to get to know part of the water course of Ribeira do Jardim next to Levada do Norte. The difficulty of access will depend on the flow of the stream. Next to the cache you will see the Aguagem Waterfall (48m). During the spring months you will also have the opportunity to enjoy the cherry blossoms. There are several ways to get to this location. In the listing three coordinates are given with different places where to begin this route.
Esta cache irá te conduzir a duas bonitas cascatas situadas junto à madre da Levada Nova de Santa Cruz.
Existem várias formas de chegar até este local. Na listing são dadas três coordenadas com diferentes sítios onde começar este percurso:
I - Levada Nova de Santa Cruz
Total: 4,8km / 2h
II - Levada dos Tornos - Vereda do Alvoredo - Levada Nova
Total: 3km / 1h
III - Percurso Circular:
Levada Nova do Moinho da Serra - Ponte de Roma - Levada dos Tornos - Vereda do Alvoredo - Levada Nova de Santa Cruz - Madre da Levada Nova de Santa Cruz - Levada Nova de Santa Cruz
Total: 13km / 4h
Ao chegar à madre da Levada Nova de Santa Cruz atravesse o curso de àgua e siga em frente de pedra em pedra. Poucos metros depois irá ver na Ribeira de Santa Cruz a sua cascata de dois ressaltos, ladeada de colunas prismáticas. Linda e única.
Ali mesmo ao lado a Ribeira Primeira une-se à Ribeira de Santa Cruz e podemos ver também outra cascata. Subindo um pouco até a base dessa cascata podemos ver um afluente com outa cascata.
This cache will lead you to two beautiful waterfalls located next to the source of Levada Nova de Santa Cruz.
There are several ways to get to this location. In the listing three coordinates are given with different places where to start this route:
I - Levada Nova de Santa Cruz
Total: 4,8km / 2h
II - Levada dos Tornos - Vereda do Alvoredo - Levada Nova
Total: 3km / 1h
III - Round-Trip:
Levada Nova do Moinho da Serra - Ponte de Roma - Levada dos Tornos - Vereda do Alvoredo - Levada Nova de Santa Cruz - Madre da Levada Nova de Santa Cruz - Levada Nova de Santa Cruz
Total: 13km / 4h
When reaching the source of the levada, improvise, cross the water course and go ahead from stone to stone. A few meters later you will see Ribeira de Santa Cruz and its waterfall with two junps flanked with prismatic columns. Beautiful and unique.
Right beside the aforementioned waterfall, Ribeira Primeira joins with Ribeira de Santa Cruz and we can see another waterfall. Climbing a little to the base of this waterfall we can see a tributary with a smaller waterfall.
Esta cache irá vos conduzir até uma cascata localizada entre sítios dos Lamaceiros e Feiteira do Nuno em Santana, localmente designada por Aguage, Águaje ou Agua D'Alto.
Aguage provirá do vocábulo aguagem: corrente impetuosa de água.
Naturalmente que a sua impetuosidade irá variar de acordo com as estações do ano.
O acesso a esta cascata faz-se por uma pequena estrada de gravilha/cimento.
Há perto da cascata um espaço para virar o carro e estacionar.
This cache will lead you to a waterfall located between sites of Lamaceiros and Feiteira do Nuno in Santana, locally designated by Aguage, Águaje or Agua D'Alto.
Aguage probably owes its origin the portuguese word aguagem: impetuous current of water.
Naturally its impetuosity will vary according to the seasons.
The access to this waterfall is via a small gravel/cement road.
Near the waterfall there is a space to turn the car and park.
OS ARREDADOS Cascata do Rabo do Burro ou da Fajã Escura
A Missa do Parto dos Arredados é já uma tradição anual na Freguesia De Ponta Delgada, realizando-se habitualmente no último domingo antes do Natal.
É uma missa que reúne sempre muitas pessoas de várias zonas da Madeira, sendo por intenção das pessoas que raramente participam nas cerimónias religiosas e como tal estão arredadas da liturgia.
Tal como os arredados estão afastados das liturgias também algumas pessoas estão arredadas da Natureza. Esta cache é um convite para um regresso à Natureza, uma purificação e quem sabe com um lavar dos pés incluído.
- A dificuldade desta cache depende do caudal da ribeira. Analisa as condições e não arrisques.
- Existe um trilho pouco marcado na margem oeste (ver spoiler). Utilizando o trilho serão poucas as vezes que terás de andar dentro da ribeira.
- O percurso deverá ser feito apenas com boas condições climatéricas.
- Deverás levar água e comida, roupa e calçado apropriados (roupa extra para o caso de te molhares).
- A utilização de um bordão é recomendada.
- O sinal GPS é muito fraco por isso utiliza a Hint e o Spoiler.
- Carro - Cache - Carro: 1 km, 40m
The Arredados Mass in honour of the birth of Jesus is already an annual tradition in the Parish of Ponta Delgada, usually taking place on the last Sunday before Christmas.
It is a mass that always gathers many people from various parts of Madeira and is intended to the Arredados (people who rarely participate in religious ceremonies and as such are distant from the liturgy).
As the Arredados are distant from the liturgies also some people are cut off from Nature.
This cache is an invitation for a return to nature, a purification and who knows with a Washing of the Feet included.
"In every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks." John Muir
- The difficulty of this cache depends on the flow of the stream. Analyze the conditions and don't take risks.
- There is a trail on the west bank (see spoiler). If you use the trail you will avoid walking inside the river bed most of the way.
- The course must be done only with good weather conditions.
- You should bring water and food, clothing and appropriate footwear (extra clothing in case you get too wet).
- The use of walking poles is recommended.
-The GPS signal is very weak in this area so use the Hint and the Spoiler.
- Car - Cache - Car: 1 km, 40m
Off the southwest coast of Portugal and northwest coast of Africa lies the beautiful archipelago of Madeira. It is the outermost region of the European Union and an autonomous region of Portugal. Known for its idyllic climate, flowing wine, romantic beaches, and sheer cliffs, Madeira is also home to close to 1,200 active geocaches.
You must be thinking, “Geocaching in gloriously warm climate with stunning landscapes and flowing wine—where’s the grit and the character-building adventure of that?!” Luckily, this traditional cache provides a mildly challenging hike with a big pay off in a phenomenal location. Perfect!
You’ll start your journey at the São Jorge (St. George) lighthouse, a sweet little spot to prepare for your trek and take in the ocean views. The lighthouse was, “…designed in 1948 and started to function in 1959. Its structure is a cylindrical tower 14-meters high, and the focus is at an altitude of 271 meters. Its light has a range of 16 miles, and its operation is automated in 1986 after being electrified in 1962.”
São Jorge (St. George) lighthouse
The next step is to find the path to the geocache. Once you are on the path, you will see why this geocache earned its 3.5 terrain rating. There are many paths—will you take the correct one? Will your path be full of mud with no alternate route? Will you slip and fall in the mud? Will this actually be worth it? Stay strong, intrepid geocachers, because yes, the payoff will be worth it.
Path to the geocache
At the end of the path on the very edge of a cliff, you will find a very large rock. Many years ago it broke free from the hills above, rolled down the rugged terrain, then suddenly stopped right on this precipice. This was so amazing and odd that the locals built a small shrine in honor of the “Lady of the Stone” and placed it underneath the boulder. This “monument’ is full of religious statues, candles, flowers, stones, and other knickknacks. It is also a wonderful place for quiet reflection and to sign a logbook.
Path to the geocache
If this amazing rock and little shrine weren’t enough, check out that view! On the left you can see Porto Moniz very far away, while on the right you can look down and see the old pier of São Jorge. Can it get any better than this?
View from above the rock
Recent logs:
Siggi72This is my second time visiting Madeira but the first time with Geocaching. Without geocaching I wouldn’t have seen this “balancing” rock with the small shrine and the great views. Thanks for showing!
Amazing location for a geocache
ComètesOn our way, we could not miss this cache, that we already bookmarked in France when preparing our trip. Its D/T ratio is the only one missing in on matrix. We first discovered the lighthouse, then went down to GZ. 148 steps later, we were at the right place. A special place, as many ones that we can discover since we are practising geocaching. We found the box with the help of the spoiler. While we were signing the logbook, a rainbow appeared above the Ocean. To celebrate our fully filled matrix? Thank you for this great cache!
At the shrine under the rock
ED77First we had problems to find the right access and had almost given up. Fortunately we found the right way otherwise we have missed a great adventure and a total crazy place! The path down was a real adventure but at the end worth every step How curious to place a shrine under this huge stone! We enjoyed the mystic and peaceful place, stayed some time staring at the sea This place is worth a favorite point
Just before the geocacheGreat view and a great experienceThe shrineGorgeous viewsView to the rightEven pooches love this geocache Source: (01/2017)