Ribeiro Bonito

A nice 10km walk where you will be guided by four caches

Grutas do Paúl

A great set of amazing caves carved into the stone.

Boca das Voltas

Boca das Voltas is a secret viewpoint offering a great scenary. It is ideal to those who enjoy a nice walk in the middle of the forest.

Cais de São Jorge

An historic pier that was once the gate to the north of the island. A beautiful panoramic view at the tip of the pier.

Garganta Funda

A huge 140m waterfall hidden from the common muggle. A test to your corage and a great view at the end.

Arte de Portas Abertas

A simple, old street that was transformed into an art galery. This multicache makes you look closely at each door. Discover its secrets!

O Pescador do Arieiro

This is a funny multi with only two stages that can be done in a short period of time. The cache is located near Pico Arieiro and offers stunning views.

The Cliffs

This multi cache will take you to walk along cliffs that reach from 250m to 500m altitude. The trail will present you with beautiful landscapes and interesting geological phenomena.

quinta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2017

Madeira na Geocaching Magazin

O geocacher alemão vanWeyden esteve recentemente na Madeira onde aproveitou para fazer geocaching e para escrever um artigo para a Geocaching Magazin. Tive a oportunidade de contribuir com uma pequena entrevista.
O artigo fez sucesso e deu origem a um segundo artigo sobre a ilha.

Curiosamente já alguns turistas fizeram referência a estes artigos nos seus logs:

Kingdom of the Ents (GC3H7AA) has a new log:  
Logged by: OmaSus  Log Type: Found it  Date: 11/12/2017  Location: Arquipélago da Madeira, Portugal  Type: Multi-cache
Am Start fanden wir nur das, was auch in einem Log von 3.11. beschrieben steht. Schade, also zurück zum CM. Aber dann hatten wir wirkliches Glück: An unserem letzten Cache in dieser Ecke trafen wir andere Cacher, und bei einem Plausch über unser wunderbares Hobby kamen wir auf diesen Cache zu sprechen. Die beiden waren so nett, uns die Koordinaten von St. 2 zu geben, und schon zog es mich zurück zum Kingdom of the Ens. So konnten wir diesen Multi, auf dem ich im Geocaching-Magazin aufmerksam geworden bin, doch noch zuende bringen.

Rain (GC3W0FB) has a new log: 
Logged by: Neon Knight  Log Type: Found it   Date: 07/07/2017   Location: Arquipélago da Madeira, Portugal  Type: Traditional Cache
After we had finished the Multi Levadas da Lombada we drove to the west - heading to visit the lighthouse of Ponta do Pargo. On our way we came along this cache, where we had lots of fun and really enjoyed it. This cache is mentioned in the German "Geocaching-Magazin" as one of the "must-do-caches" on Madeira ... and indeed ... it is a "must-do-cache" [:D] Tftc Hilli & NK FAV

Artigo 1:

Artigo 2:

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