The story in video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZmvaj05xek&hd=1
The location in video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZdU0BkiBHQ&hd=1

Após uma longa viagem, o gigante regressou à sua terra e encontrou o seu belo jardim cheio de crianças. Bastante zangado, ele assustou-as e proibiu-as de lá voltarem. À volta do seu jardim construiu um grande muro. Chegou a primavera e com ela as flores e os pássaros mas no jardim do gigante era ainda inverno. Por não ter crianças, os pássaros não queria mais cantar e as árvores esqueceram-se de florir. Para desespero do gigante o seu jardim era agora morada dos ventos frios, da neve e do gelo. A primavera não chegou, o verão também não e enquanto que do outro lado do muro o outono já dava belos frutos dourados, no jardim do gigante nada crescia.

Certo dia, o gigante acordou com uma bela melodia, abriu a janela e viu o seu jardim de volta ao seu esplendor. Parte do muro tinha caído e as crianças tinham voltado ao jardim. As crianças trepavam as árvores voltando a lhes dar vida. Apenas o recanto mais longe do seu jardim permanecia no inverno. Lá estava uma criança mas era muito pequena para subir à árvore e por isso chorava. O gigante logo reconheceu o seu erro e resolveu ir ajudar a pequena criança. Ao colocar a criança num dos ramos da árvore, a pequena criança abraçou-o e deu-lhe um beijo. Nesse mesmo dia o gigante derrubou os muros e todos os dias as crianças iam brincar ao belo jardim do gigante.

Ele gostava de todas mas sentia um carinho especial pela pequena criança. Essa criança misteriosamente deixou de aparecer e apesar de estar feliz por ter o seu jardim de volta e de todos os dias brincar com as crianças, o gigante sentia a falta do seu amigo especial. Os anos passaram e o gigante ficou bem velhinho. Já não conseguia brincar mas ficava a observar ao longe as brincadeiras das crianças.
Num fim de dia, de repente, ao olhar para o canto do seu jardim viu uma árvore com ramos dourados, frutas de prata e flores brancas. Num dos seus ramos estava a criança que fazia tanta falta ao gigante. Rapidamente e com esforço o gigante foi ao seu encontro. À medida que se aproximava do local, o gigante ficava vermelho de raiva pois viu que a criança tinha chagas tanto nas mãos como nos pés.
"Quem ousou te magoar? Diz-me e eu irei vingar-te!"
A criança esboçou um sorriso e respondeu:
"Não te preocupes, estas são marcas de amor. Tu um dia deixaste-me brincar no teu jardim e hoje virás comigo brincar no meu a que chamam de paraíso."
No dia seguinte as crianças encontraram o gigante morto, junto à árvore e coberto de flores brancas.
História adaptada de "The Selfish Giant" - Oscar Wilde

Everyday the giant's garden was visited by several children. It was a garden with beautiful trees and green meadows where birds sang so melodiously that children would interrupt their games just to hear them.

After a long journey, the giant returned to his home and found his beautiful garden full of children. Quite angry, he startled them and forbade them from returning there. Around his garden he built a great wall. Spring came, and with it the birds and the flowers but in the giant's garden it was still winter. For not having children, the birds did not want to sing and the trees forgot to blossom. To the giant's despair his garden was now the home of cold winds, snow and ice. Spring had not arrived, nor summer and while on the other side of the wall fall was already giving pretty golden fruit in the garden of giant nothing grew.

One day, the giant woke up with a beautiful melody, opened the window and saw his garden back to its splendor. Part of the wall had fallen and the children had returned to the garden. The children climbed the trees giving them back life. Only the far corner of his garden remained in winter. There was a child near the tree but he was too small to climb the tree and so he wept. The giant soon recognized his mistake and decided to help the small child. By placing the child in one of the branches of the tree, the little child hugged him and gave him a kiss. That same day the giant broke down the walls and every day children would play in the beautiful giant's garden.

He liked all of them but felt a special affection for the little child. Mysteriously this child disappeared and despite being happy to have his garden back and to play with the kids everyday, the giant felt the absence of his special friend. The years passed and the giant was now very old. He could no longer play but he would still watch from afar the children play.

Late one day, suddenly, looking at the corner of his garden he saw a tree with golden branches, silver fruits and white blossoms. In one of its branches was the child that was so missed by the giant. Quickly and with great effort the giant went to meet him. As we approached the spot, the giant turned red with anger as he saw that the child had wounds in both hands and feet.
"Who dared to hurt you? Tell me and I will avenge you!"
The child smiled and replied:
"Do not worry, these are marks of love. One day you let me play in your garden and today you will come with me and we will play in mine, which is called paradise."
The next day the children found the giant dead by the tree covered with white blossoms.
Story adapted from "The Selfish Giant" - Oscar Wilde